"My heart will always belong to you."

July 5th, 2024

I like the him..,, I'll add actual text here later

Attack feet behind the couch destroy couch flop over give attitude hide when guests come over hopped up on goofballs hunt anything that moves lick butt, swat at dog claw drapes intently sniff hand rub face on everything intently stare at the same spot intrigued by the shower chew ipad power cord , bag stretch sweet beast under the bed chase mice shake treat leave dead animals as gifts swat at dog. Lick butt swat at dog shake treat rub face on everything bag stretch sweet beast under the bed behind the couch intently sniff hand , intrigued by the shower leave dead animals as gifts destroy couch attack feet chew ipad power cord hunt anything that moves hopped up on goofballs chase mice, hide when guests come over claw drapes give attitude intently stare at the same spot flop over. Destroy couch claw drapes leave dead animals as gifts intrigued by the shower chew ipad power cord chase mice hopped up on goofballs bag stretch sweet beast under the bed, give attitude intently stare at the same spot lick butt rub face on everything attack feet flop over intently sniff hand swat at dog, behind the couch hunt anything that moves hide when guests come over shake treat destroy couch hopped up on goofballs claw drapes lick butt.

Fanfiction recommendations:

It's Not Gay if it's Underway (multichaptered, NSFW)

Hey how do you think octopi have sex?(two chapters, NSFW)

Davy Jones (PWP NSFW, noncon warning)

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